
Working in the modeling workshop, photo: Paula Scheipner
In the Modeling/Ceramics workshop, students can receive individual consultation for their projects in both a conceptual and methodological sense. In introductory seminars, the artistic-creative and craft-technical prerequisites for independent, artistic work with ceramics are taught. The spectrum ranges from sculptural sculptures and plastics made of clay, terracotta, and porcelain to glazed tiles, reliefs, and installations. Students explore how they can use the materials for contemporary artistic work, what is material-specific, and what experience they can gather from these processes.
The firing process as a transformation process is an example of how the initially plastic, moldable material is transformed into the fired and rigid object through heat. The water that made the clay plastic escapes during the firing process, giving the clay a different character. The height of the temperature in the oven is crucial for the later color of the clay and glaze. Certain aesthetic features of the work only become visible after the firing process. However, clay does not necessarily have to be fired, it can also become the medium for artistic work as dried and still recyclable mass, where it remains always fragile. (See also: Claudia Schmacke in conversation with Tanja Klemm in: Kunstforum 2017, Bd. 245, 电竞比分网电竞比分网 – Artist Academy).
The teaching offer is supplemented by teaching assignments.
Workshop in der Aktionswoche der Klima AG der 电竞比分网电竞比分网 (siehe Programm der Aktionswoche)
Claudia Schmacke
Dozentin an einer Kunsthochschule
Kunststudium (Schwerpunkt Keramik) Gesamthochschule Kassel (Diplom 1988) und Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam
Studium 电竞比分网电竞比分网 bei Professor Fritz Schwegler (1991 Meisterschülerin)
Seit 1998 Lehrkraft für Modellieren/Keramik an der 电竞比分网电竞比分网
Ausstellungen, Stipendien und weitere Lehrt?tigkeit siehe website
Raum 125
Tel.: 0211/1396-202
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">claudia.schmacke [at]
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung (Telefon oder Email)
Modellierraum 005
Tel.: 0211/1396-273
Brennraum K018 & Glasurraum K018.1
Tel.: 0211/1396-274
Monatspl?ne der Werkstatt werden auf Nachfrage per Email versendet und an den Türen (Raum 005 und K018) ausgeh?ngt. Anmeldung für diesen internen Emailverteiler bitte per Email.
Wichtige Unterlagen (Fomular Brennanmeldung, Ma?e Brenn?fen etc. ) sind unter folgendem Link abrufbar: