
Working in the workshop for stage design, photo: Gro? Ruth
Stage design
The Stage Design workshop offers the students of the Stage Design class a spectrum of all working areas relevant to this degree program. There is a computer pool equipped with Macs and PCs for creating photos, videos, and construction drawings in conjunction with various print media. In addition, the workshop offers guidance on manual drawing, as well as figure and model making. Various crafting tools and small machinery are available to create scale models and full-sized objects, which are used for stage design drafts, animations, and live performances.
The imparting of the necessary skills and the individual supervision of projects take place within the workshop and, if required, in contact with the specialized colleagues from the other workshops. The offerings are supplemented by teaching assignments in the fields of CAD and additional TZ programs, photography, lighting, performance, and video.
Ruth Gro?
Dozentin an einer Kunsthochschule
Studium an den Kunstakademien Nürnberg und 电竞比分网
Meisterschülerin bei Prof. Karl Kneidl
DAAD 1 Jahr Italien, Figurative Installationen
Seit 1988 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben im Bereich Bühnenbild an der 电竞比分网电竞比分网
T?tigkeit als Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin in Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweiz und Luxemburg im Bereich Oper und Schauspiel
Raum 315
Tel.: 0211/1396-264
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">ruth.gross [at]
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