study application
The information for applying for a study place in 2025 is now online in english language.
Application period
Filing of formal application in the online application portal by March 10th 2025 at 12 noon.
Postal submit of artistic portfolio
Personal submit of artistic portfolio is possible:
monday–friday, 10 – 12 am at room 102 (Konferenzraum, 1st floor)
Dispatch of notifications (admission to study, conditional admission to study or rejection) will be sent out from mid-May 2025.
The portfolios can be returned personnally, immediately after the notifications have been sent out in mid-end May 2025. All applicants will receive the exact collection dates with their assessment notices.
Period of enrolment
Applies to all applicants admitted in the application year 2025. This is a cut-off deadline. If the required documents for enrolment have not been submitted by the deadline, enrolment for the winter semester 2025/2026 is not possible.
The degree programme is divided into a
- basic study programme: studio studies in the Orientierungsbereich (2 semester) and
- main study programme: Studio studies in an artist class (8 semester)
- Standard period of study: 10 semesters
- Degree: Academy certificate "Akademiebrief" (equivalent to a diploma)
You study the single-subject teacher training programmes exclusively at the 电竞比分网电竞比分网.
The dual-subject teacher training programmes are run in cooperation with the University of Duisburg-Essen, where the other teaching subject is studied. You can find detailed information about studying at the University of Duisburg-Essen here:
The teacher training programme is divided into consecutive study programmes:
Bachelor of Education
- Standard period of study: 6 semesters
- Degree: Bachelor of Education
Master of Education
- Standard period of study: 4 semesters
- Degree: Master of Education
- Standard period of study: 6 semesters
- Degree: Academy certificate "Akademiebrief" (corresponds to the international degree "Master of Arts")
Applicants who have not obtained their higher education entrance qualification or other previous school education at a German-speaking institution.
We recommend to only apply if you can present a language certificate that is not older than six months at the time of submission of your application. Usually, when you receive a letter of admission from us, there is not enough time until the last day of enrolment to only then obtain the required language certificate.
Nevertheless it is still possible to apply if you do not have the necessary language certificate at the time of application. If that is the case you hand in your most recent certificate with your application. If you get accepted, it is sufficient to submit the required language certificate when you enrol.
Language level certificates for German accepted for the programmes in Fine Art and Baukunst
- Goethe-Zertifikat B2
- DSH1
- TestDaf TDN 3
- telc German B2
Accepted language level certificates for German for the Bachelor's/Master's teaching degree
- Goethe-Zertifikat C1
- DSH2
- TestDaf TDN 4
- telc German C1
We only accept the language certificates listed above.
The 电竞比分网does not offer German language courses.
Enrolment in September will only take place if the above-mentioned language certificate is available latest by the end of the enrolment period and the other documents in accordance with the enrolment regulations have been submitted. Please refrain from enquiries about exceptions or late submission deadlines.
Please note that the date of issue of the certificate must not be older than 12 months on the last day of enrolment.
From 17 February 2025 until 10 March 2025, 12:00 noon, you can apply for the studies of Fine Art, Baukunst or for a teaching degree program (Bachelor and Master) for the winter semester 2025/26.
There are two steps to your application:
- You enter your personal data in our online application portal (the link to this portal will be published on our website on 17 February 2025 at the latest). After entering your personal data, you will be asked to upload the required documents in PDF format (e.g. school reports, language certificates, university certificates, proof of payment of the application fee, etc.).
- After you have submitted your personal data and documents in the online application portal, you will receive a confirmation e-mail (please ensure that your e-mail address is correct when entering it). Please put this confirmation e-mail in your artistic application folder. You can now hand in your artistic application portfolio in person or send it to us by post.
You can submit your artistic application portfolio in person to the 电竞比分网电竞比分网 from
Monday, 03 March 2025 - Monday, 10 March 2025 (no portfolio delivery is possible on Saturdays and Sundays)
from 10-12 a.m. in room 102 (conference room; 1st floor)
Please note the following:
- In addition to your application portfolio, please bring the printed confirmation email that you received when you submitted your personal data in our online application portal. (We will not accept your portfolio if you did not submit your personal data beforehand in the application portal.)
- Print out the submission form/form for labelling the artistic application folder twice and fill it out completely. Stick the form once directly onto your application folder and once loose in your application folder.
You can send your application portfolio by post from Thursday, 20 February 2025 - Monday, 10 March 2025. Application portfolios received after 10 March 2025 will not be considered. The date of receipt of your application portfolio at the 电竞比分网电竞比分网 counts and not the date on which you sent your portfolio. We therefore recommend that you send us your portfolio as soon as possible.
Please note the following:
- Enclose the printed confirmation email you received, when you submitted your personal data in our online application portal, in your application folder. (We will not accept your artistic application folder without first submitting your personal data).
- Print out the submission form for labelling the artistic application folder twice and fill it out completely. Stick the form directly onto your application folder once and enclose the other one loosely within your application folder.
- Please send us your portfolio in good time, as you must allow for any delays caused by customs processing.
Unfortunately, we have to refuse to accept consignments for which the Akademie hast o pay fees.
We do not hand out any confirmation of receipt of application portfolios (neither by e-mail nor by telephone).
Please send the portfolio to:
Eiskellerstra?e 1
40213 电竞比分网
We recommend that you send your portfolio as early as possible. Usually, delays in customs are to be expected.
Declare the outer packaging of your application folder as follows:
- Write your e-mail address on the packaging so that the customs/delivery service can contact you directly if they have any questions.
- State the following value: ‘NCV’ (= No Commercial Value)
When sending by parcel service/delivery companies, make sure you have a correct customs declaration and a pro-forma-bill attached to the outside.
Clarify with your shipping service provider that the recipient (电竞比分网电竞比分网) will not pay any expenses (e.g. import sales tax, customs duties), has to deal with issues of customs or is requested to provide the EORI number.
In cases where the 电竞比分网would have to pay, is required to issue a customs declaration or is requested to issue the EORI number, the Akademie refuses to accept the goods. This usually means that your application cannot be considered for the procedure.
The 电竞比分网does not pay any customs, transport, shipping or other costs.
The 电竞比分网will not provide its EORI number for the acceptance of your portfolio.
Yes, there is a fee of 30,00 euros for the artistic aptitude test. This fee is to be transferred to the account below from 15.02.2025.
Account details
Landeshauptkasse 电竞比分网 (Kontoinhaber)
HeLaBa (Hessisch-Thüringische Landesbank) 电竞比分网
IBAN: DE59 3005 0000 0004 0146 19
Verwendungszweck: Kassenzeichen 95000004459; Last name, First name
Payment must be received (credited to the account of the Landeshauptkasse 电竞比分网) by 10 March 2025 at the latest.
Proof of payment of the application fee must be uploaded in the form of a payment receipt when entering the personal data in the online application portal.
Please note the following:
- A refund of the fee is excluded, even if you withdraw your application.
- Under no circumstances should you put the fee in cash in your portfolio.
No, unfortunately the 电竞比分网电竞比分网 does not offer individual portfolio consultation.
We recommend visiting the so called "Rundgang" that takes place every half year at the Kunstakademie. The next "Rundgang" will take place from Wednesday, 05 February to Sunday, 09 February 2025.
1. Artistic portfolio
- Commercially available folder up to a maximum size of DIN A 0 (0.84m x 1.19m)
- The outside of the folder must contain the following information: Surname, first name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, degree programme, field of study, date of submission
- Maximum weight: 5kg (we reserve the right not to accept application folders weighing more than 5kg).
- For the study of painting, sculpture, photography, graphics, stage design:
A minimum of 20 and a maximum of 25 original work samples. No specific technique or subject matter is specified. Larger works, sculptures and sculptural objects may not be submitted as originals. Performances or actions may not be submitted as films or on data carriers. They may be documented by photographs and submitted in addition to the original work samples. However, they cannot replace an original.
- For study of film and video:
At least 2 artistic works in the digital file format ‘mp4’. It is not possible to submit weblinks. Please upload these files in the online application portal (Please name the file folder as follows with your name: Surname, First name). In addition, a maximum of 15 work samples such as texts, drawings, storyboards and photographs can be submitted; please submit these work samples as an artistic application portfolio (by post or in person).
- For the study of Baukunst:
At least 20 work samples. The work samples should include final drawings as well as sketches and pictorial explanations of the ideas. The focus of these works must be in the field of architectural design and show artistic aptitude.
Please note: Bulky portfolios or bulky work samples that cannot be examined by the commission are not permitted, e.g. no: Wooden crates, boxes, cartons, suitcases or rolls, self-made portfolios, rolls, framed pictures or pictures stretched on stretcher frames, CDs, DVDs, USB sticks or other data carriers, slides, wooden or glass plates.
The following information can only be submitted via our online application portal. We do not accept any details, documents, certificates or other information sent to us by e-mail, post or similar means.
- General personal details (surname, first name, gender, e-mail, street, house number, postcode, place of residence, country, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, mobile phone number)
- A current curriculum vitae in tabular form
- if applicable, details of previous university or vocational training
- Proof of higher education entrance qualification (certificate of general higher education entrance qualification/Abitur)
- For applicants who are yet to obtain their higher education entrance qualification, a certificate from the school confirming the expected completion of the Abitur examination is sufficient and
- proof of payment of the application fee in the form of a payment receipt.
Additionally for underage applicants
- Consent of the legal guardian
Please note: In the event of admission and enrolment, we reserve the right to check the original certificates.
You can also apply for the Fine Arts degree programme without an Abitur/general university entrance qualification. In this case, upload your last school report to the portal.
For the degree programmes in Fine Arts and for the Bachelor's degree in Teacher Education, admission may be possible as a professionally qualified person.
The exact requirements can be found in the so-called. Verordnung über den Hochschulzugang für in der beruflichen Bildung Qualifizierte (BBHZVO).
Please note: The following information can only be entered via our online application portal. We do not accept any details, documents, certificates or other information sent to us by e-mail, post or similar means.
Personal documents
- General personal details (surname, first name, gender, e-mail, street, house number, postcode, place of residence, country, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, mobile phone number)
- a current curriculum vitae in tabular form
- proof of higher education entrance qualification (certificate of general higher education entrance qualification / Abitur). For applicants who have yet to obtain their university entrance qualification, a certificate from the school confirming that they are expected to take the Abitur examination is sufficient. Certificates and attestations not in German or English must also be submitted as well as an officially certified German or English translation or
- last school report
- if available: Certificate of the university entrance examination
- Training certificate (if a vocational training programme was completed)
- University studies without a university degree: Certificate from the university about the completed semesters and transcript of records
- University studies with a degree: University degree certificate and transcript of records
- Language certificate: If available, please submit proof of your current level of German language skills.
- Applicants from the People's Republic of China, Mongolia and Vietnam should also submit a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS). Applicants without APS will be checked for ‘outstanding artistic talent’
- Proof of payment of the application fee in the form of a payment receipt
Additionally for underage applicants
- Consent oft he legal guardian
Please note: In the event of admission and subsequent enrolment, we reserve the right to check the original certificates.
- proof of higher education entrance qualification (certificate of general higher education entrance qualification / Abitur)
- certificate, diploma and transcript of records of a first university degree (Bachelor) in architecture obtained in Germany or abroad.
- Certificate, diploma and transcript of records of a teaching-related Bachelor's degree in the Gymnasium/Gesamtschule school type (after receiving your details, we will first check whether the requirements for admission to the Master's programme have been met).
If you are completing your degree in the current summer semester, please submit the following:
- a provisional transcript of records or proof of current study status
Please note: In the event of admission, enrolment is only possible if the teacher training-related Bachelor's degree programme has been completed by 30 September of the year of application at the latest.
You will be notified of the result of the assessment test by E-Mail at the middle of May 2025. It will be sent to the E-Mail address you provided in the application portal.
The result will not be communicated by phone.
It is possible to start the first semester of Fine Arts and Baukunst programmes and the Bachelor's and Master's programmes only in the winter semester.
Admitted applicants will receive further information on enrolment by email from July 2025 (enrolment will only take place for the next winter semester). The email will be sent to the email address you entered in the online application portal.
International applicants who have not yet submitted the required language certificate with their application will initially receive conditional admission. Only after submission of the language certificate (must be submitted by 15 September 2025 at the latest) will they receive final admission.
Enrolment in September will only take place if the above-mentioned language certificate has been submitted by the end of the enrolment period at the latest and the other documents in accordance with the enrolment regulations have been submitted. Please refrain from enquiries about exceptions or late submission deadlines.
Der Zulassungsbescheid gilt zur Aufnahme des Studiums in dem im Bescheid genannten Wintersemester. Eine Rückstellung für das Folgejahr ist nicht m?glich.
You are welcome to apply to the 电竞比分网电竞比分网 again next year. There is no maximum number of application attempts at the Kunstakademie. In the meantime, you are welcome to visit us on our Rundgang to find out more about the Kunstakademie.
Please note: We do not send application folders by post.
When you receive your letter of admission or rejection, you will get detailed information on the options for getting back your portfolio. It is only possible to collect your portfolio in person (or have it collected by an authorised third party) on dates announced on the website.
The 电竞比分网电竞比分网 has no storage facilities for your application portfolios beyond the period of the application procedure (end of the application procedure: 15 September 2025).
Artistic application portfolios that are not collected on our portfolio collection dates will be destroyed after the end of the application procedure (i.e. from 15 September 2025).
During the assessment test ?Mappenprüfung“), a decision is made on the artistic aptitude or outstanding artistic talent of the applicants.
The assessment is carried out exclusively on the basis of the submitted artistic works by a commission of artistic professors and artistic-scientific staff. The commission is newly elected each year by the Senate of the 电竞比分网电竞比分网.
There is no further practical examination. The Abitur grade point average or similar is not taken into account.
The following criteria are used to determine artistic aptitude and outstanding artistic talent for the fine arts and teaching fine art programmes:
- Artistic creative ability,
- Realisation ability in the chosen artistic media and
- Artistic conception and intensity.
The assessment of the portfolio is based on the aforementioned assessment criteria. Level 1 corresponds to the highest assessment level and 3 to the lowest:
- Level 1: outstanding artistic talent
- Level 2: artistic aptitude
- Level 3: insufficient artistic aptitude
The following criteria are used to determine artistic aptitude and the technical interview for the Architecture degree programme:
- Artistic creative ability,
- Artistic conception and intensity and
- Knowledge of the German language
The assessment of the portfolio is based on the aforementioned assessment criteria. It will be checked whether they are fulfilled or not.
The artistic portfolios of applicants who have a high school diploma/general higher education entrance qualification are examined as part of the assessment test with regard to artistic aptitude. This is recognised if an average grade of 2.3 or better is achieved.
The artistic portfolios of applicants who do not have an Abitur/general higher education entrance qualification will be assessed for outstanding artistic aptitude as part of the assessment test. This is recognised if an average grade of 1.3 or better is achieved.
For all questions relating to applications, assessment procedures, admission/rejection, enrolment, please contact the staff of the Abteilung Studium und Prüfung exclusively by e-mail and provide a mobile phone number: =(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">studierendensekretariat [at] or via phone to:
Mr. Francisco Anaya
Ms. Polixeni Bastigkeit
Ms. Mariola Sodekamp
All information without guarantee.
The current regulations of the 电竞比分网电竞比分网 (/de/219-amtliche-mitteilungen) and (university) legal regulations are always legally binding.
All previous information materials lose their validity with the publication of an amended version.
State: 25.11.2024